We realize offering only one metal finish cannot capture everyone’s unique style preference. This is the reason we continuously expand our metal product line, finishes and processes.
We introduced our stainless steel textured finish, which offers a creative alternative to our brushed and chrome finishes. All three finishes provide completely different looks, capturing all audiences. Besides offering an incredibly unique look, these textured finished cards also help eliminate finger prints – perfect for the cards that are continuously being handled. (Don’t believe us – we have free samples available upon request!) This finish appears grainy but is completely smooth to the touch.
Below is a Stainless Steel Textured VIP Loyalty Card offered to a select group of Oceane clients. The card also features a cutout logo and black screen print, allowing for the content to truly pop.
Photographed below is another Stainless Steel Textured Metal Business Card. The logo is completely cutout of the card and a baby blue screen print is applied to the content and border for a subtle look.
You can easily add this custom finish to your Metal Business Card order for only $0.25 extra per unit. When adding the quantity of cards to your cart, under the Metal Finish section, simply add Textured Finish. Our textured finish is offered as an add-on for the following Metal Business Card types:
If interested in this unique finish, or any of our other finishes, simply contact us today at sales@test.mymetalbusinesscard.com or give us a call at 714.213.8155.